R-I-C-E! What Does That Spell?
Rice is an important part of many cultures. It’s a staple dish in many Asian cultures and you can’t cook a delicious Mexican meal without a healthy side of rice and beans! A common simple healthy meal consists of rice and steamed veggies.
Now, we’re not trying to make you hungry here. We’re just trying to drive home the point that rice is a staple throughout the world. In the world of medicine, the RICE Method is a staple as well. The acronym, RICE, stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.
RICE is a common method of treatment that is recognized by athletes, trainers, and podiatrists. RICE is simply a guideline for a twisted ankle, or mild injury. If you suffer a serious injury, contact your podiatrist as soon as possible.
When to use RICE
Many athletes rely on the letters of RICE to help them heal from certain sports injuries, such as ankle sprains. Follow along with this helpful guide:
The “R “is for Rest. If you injured yourself playing sports, stop what you’re doing and take weight off that foot or ankle. Avoid moving the affected area.
The “I” is for Ice. Applying an ice pack or cold rags to the injury will help minimize swelling. Wrap the ice pack in a towel and ice the area for about 15 minutes at a time, several times a day.
The “C” is for Compression. Wrapping the injury snuggly (but not too tightly) in a bandage will also help reduce swelling. If your feet feel numb or tingly after wrapping, loosen the bandage so more blood can flow to the area.
The “E” is for Elevation. Lift the injured foot or ankle above your heart. This is another method to slow the swelling.
If you follow these steps after an injury and it doesn’t heal after a few days, your injury might be worse than you originally thought. Dr. Stuart R. Snyder here at Maple Springs Foot Center can perform diagnostic tests, including x-rays, to see what might be underneath the skin. Get in touch with our professional, friendly staff by calling (301) 762-FEET (3338).