Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Pain) Exercises

The plantar fascia is the wide band of connective tissue that spans your foot’s bottom between the toes and your heel to form your arch. When this sensitive tissue becomes damaged and stressed from working and exercising, it can cause extreme pain and discomfort in your arch and heel area, where the tissue attaches to the heel bone. In addition to plantar fasciitis, painful and protruding heel spurs may also result from this stress and pressure.

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What Pain in the Arch of Your Foot Means

Your arches are composed of a transverse section and two longitudinal sections that combine to cover the bottom of your foot. The interaction of these segments of the arch with the many tendons, muscles, and other foot components leads to many opportunities for arch pain to develop. Fortunately, you can prevent many arch related problems by visiting your foot doctor to get evaluated adequately for footwear and orthotic inserts. 

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Treat & Prevent Toenail Fungus

While fungal toenail infections don’t usually cause much pain and discomfort in the early stages, as the problem progresses, the nails will become discolored and brittle, and a foul odor is often emitted as the fungi feed on your skin, oils, and sweat. Early treatment of fungal toenail infections will help prevent the need for complete toenail removal surgery, so be sure to see your Maple Springs Foot Center, LLC Podiatrist.

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4 Common Childhood Foot Problems

Since young children may have trouble accurately communicating any discomfort from foot or ankle problems, it’s important to monitor the child’s movements to check for any limping or tiptoeing that may indicate a childhood injury or disease. While growth issues faced by kids will usually correct themselves over time, it’s important to have regular evaluations with your foot doctor to catch any problems early and to help prevent future complications.

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