Hiking Tips for Your Feet


Hiking is a solid way to keep your body active, soak in a little vitamin D, and enjoy nature. It’s a great year-round activity, offering different sights, sounds, and smells depending on the time of the year. Hiking trails can range from flat and easy to the long, windy, steep, hilly, and difficult.

If you’re embarking on a hike, it’s necessary to take every safety precaution you can. That includes keeping your feet safe! Otherwise, you could be limping off the trail with a major foot or ankle injury. We’ve put together the following tips for you to follow to ensure proper foot safety before, during, and after your hike:

Before you hit the trail:

  • If this is your first hike ever, start with easier trails.
  • Make sure your shoes are comfortable and fit well. Have a professional at a hiking store or sporting goods store chat with you about the best shoes for your desired activities. Shoes should have good cushion and traction to handle any hiking terrain ahead of you.
  • Pack a bottle of water and a snack to defeat hunger and dehydration, which can cause painful cramps.
  • Pack a first aid kit, including bandages and antibiotic ointments.
  • Apply sunscreen and bug spray.
  • At the start of the trail, stretch and warm up. This will reduce your chance of getting injured.

During the hike:

  • Keep a slow, steady pace so you don’t get too worn out. A hiking stick can be a great tool to keep you steady along rougher trails.
  • If you feel chafing or rubbing from your shoes, use bandages from your first aid kit to prevent blisters from forming.
  • Rest as you need and don’t overdo it.

After the hike:

  • Cool down and stretch out your feet and ankles after you take your shoes off.
  • Treat yourself to a nice Epsom salt foot soak to help relieve any soreness.

If you twisted your ankle or sustained any other injuries from a hike or are dealing with any other foot or ankle issue, we’re here to help. Dr. Stuart Snyder here at Maple Springs Foot Center is here to help assess and treat any feet or ankle issues you might be experiencing. To get in touch, request an appointment online or call our office conveniently located in Gaithersburg, MD at 301-762-3338.