Fungal Toenails: The Truth


Onychomycosis is a term used to describe fungal infection of one or more nails, typically the toenails. And while this condition may not be a big threat to your health, it can be inconvenient, embarrassing and painful. Thankfully, it is relatively easy to treat, and today Dr. Stuart Snyder and Dr. Sara Sharma of Maple Springs Foot Center, LLC are outlining a few simple steps that can prevent it from returning. 

What Are the Signs of a Fungal Toenail Infection? 

Signs that you may have a fungal toenail infection include a yellow-brown discoloration or darkening of the nail, distortion of the shape, or thickening of the nail. If the infection progresses, the nail can become brittle, and in some cases, can emit a slight odor.  

Some people are more likely to develop a fungal nail infection as a result of their lifestyle. Older people are also more susceptible in general, because of their weakened circulation and immune system.  

Although more progressive cases of fungal toenails may require prescription medication, most of the cases can be addressed with over-the-counter products, such as antifungal nail polish or medicated cream.  

But the best approach to tackling fungal toenails is preventing it with good hygiene. The first step is to wash, of course, and while most people do wash their feet, not everyone spends much time or pays much attention to them.  

If fungal toenails are an issue for you, be sure to wash your feet thoroughly each day. You should also wear shoes that allow your feet to breathe and moisture-wicking socks. Both of these actions will make it more difficult for a fungal infection to take hold and develop. Keeping your nails moisturized and trimming them straight across, and not curved, can also help. 

A fungal toenail can be inconvenient and painful, especially if you are an active person. And while they can be annoying, they are typically not a threat to your overall health.  

But don’t take any chances – if you are experiencing symptoms of what you think might be toenail fungus - contact the office of Dr. Stuart Snyder and Dr. Sara Sharma of Maple Springs Foot Center, LLC to schedule an appointment. Call us today us at (301) 762-3338 or book your appointment online.