Ingrown Toenails Require Your Attention

Having ingrown toenails is a normal podiatric issue that we often see at our practice. They happen as the side of your toenail presses into the skin, potentially permitting germs into your bloodstream.


Ingrown Toenails Require Your Attention - Ingrown toenail removal - podiatrist and foot surgeon in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • Ill-fitting shoes that constrict your toes

  • Fungal infections

  • Incorrectly trimmed toenails

  • Severe traumas

  • Hereditary disorders.

Symptoms of an ingrown toenail can include infection, swelling and redness. When ignored, it can develop into a serious complication that can become more difficult to treat. Ingrown toenails are easier to prevent when you obtain proper foot care on a consistent basis. If you do not consider the significance of ingrown toenails, you may be forced to deal with them eventually.


  • Soak your injured toenail in warm water. This will help to decrease rigidity and allow you to manipulate your toenail away from your skin. This may only be a temporary solution as the toenail may still curve into your skin.

  • Take antibiotics to treat any underlying infection.

  • Undergoing surgery to remove your toenail if it continues to grow into your skin after conservative treatments.

Here at Maple Springs Foot Center , our caring podiatrists have many years of experience treating ingrown toenails. If your ingrown toenails are causing pain and infections, please contact us today for an appointment. Our Podiatry Practice is conveniently located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. We strive to provide the very best in foot care and will explore all avenues to ensure that your toenails have the best chance of overcoming any ingrown problems. Our friendly and knowledgeable medical staff is here to help, please contact us for an appointment.