Building a Case for Geriatric Foot Care - 11 Tips

Building a Case for Geriatric Foot Care - 11 Tips - Podiatrist in Gaithersburg, MD

Geriatric foot care is of the utmost importance to seniors as it can mean a safeguard from fatal consequences. Seniors are at risk for sicknesses such as diabetic ulcers, ingrown toenails, infections and other foot and ankle problems. The elderly experience itching, burning, numbness, and cramps in their feet. They are also prone to toenail infections. Changes in the coloration of feet as people age can also occur, which produces a red or blue tint.  


  1. Wash, dry and inspect feet daily.

  2. Trim toenails properly to prevent ingrown toenails or infections.

  3. Wear suitable footwear that provides support and space for toes to move.

  4. Observe the color of the skin on your feet to ensure there is no infection actively developing.

  5. Make sure that your shoes and socks fit correctly so that they are not too tight or lose.

  6. Keep track of tears, rashes or any other foot and ankle conditions.

  7. Watch toenails to ensure they are not thick, overgrown or broken.

  8. Check your feet and ankles for tenderness by touching them lightly. You should also check to see if your feet are warm or swollen.

  9. Check your pulse for warning signs of serious complications.

  10. Stick to a daily care regimen and have routine checkups with your doctor.

  11. Participate in physical therapy to keep foot function normal. This can help increase blood flow to the feet and the increased activity will improve healing and prevent infections from occurring.

For more details about what geriatric foot exam can do for your feet and your overall health, contact the offices of Dr. Stuart Snyder and Dr. Sara Sharma of Maple Springs Foot Center to schedule an appointment. Call us today us at (301) 762-3338 or book your appointment online.